Monday, June 22, 2009

For the Love of My Friend JoAnne

Just the other day I had coffee with my friend JoAnne. We had seen each other at various events and emailed each other, but it was the first time we had a chance to sit down and have one of those wonderful kinds of conversations that flows in and out of thoughts effortlessly and inspires smiles, laughter, tears and sighs. It's the kind of conversation that doubles back, sprints ahead, looses it's place, moves on to another thought, and eventually ends at a place that we bookmark for another time.

JoAnne is an inspiration to all who meet her. She is a wonderful writer. We featured her blog in our June Book Club Newsletter ( JoAnne has been married for 34 years and has 3 beautiful daughters. Her love and devotion as a mother is born from a hurt so deep it can take your breath away. JoAnne was adopted and she writes very openly and honestly about her experiences. Most of us have known the unconditional love of our parents or a single parent, or the loving family who adopted us. We may not have been aware of just how deep and unwavering that love was growing up because that's how kids sometimes tend to think until they become a parent or lose a parent. JoAnne never received that parental unconditional love from her birth parents or her adopted family. It's hard to imagine someone deciding to take a child home like she's a try out or a hobby that you get bored with and then move on to something else.

If I had the power to remove the pain of that experience for JoAnne, I would. But, I also realize it's not my call and that the handprint she will leave on this world is of a love so great and everlasting, it's not to be questioned. Her gift is now. Her future husband and children were seeds of something wonderful to come and her wonderful talent was a special delivery the night she was born. Her life has bloomed to amazing heights with dazzling colors after what must seem like a lifetime of rainy seasons. May you flourish in happiness and excellence, my friend, and never struggle for a fresh idea.